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Adult Outpatient Psychiatric Services

Adult Outpatient: Problems Addressed

Adult Outpatient Psychiatric Services at Frontier Health and Wellness will include many options for both assessment and treatment.


Most Common Problems Addressed in the Outpatient Clinic:





  • Stress management

  • Marital / family / parenting / relationship issues

  • Life transitions

  • Psychosis

  • Work related issues

  • Attention/Distractibility

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Sleep

  • Trauma

  • Bereavement

  • Bipolar disorder

  • Irritability

Modalities of Treatment:

  • Individual psychotherapy

  • Medication management

Outpatient Assessment

Without a solid assessment both the provider and client are set-up for failure.  The better the Assessment, the better the Treatment Plan.  The better the Treatment Plan, the better the outcome. 


A Psychiatric Assessment at Frontier Health and Wellness (FHW) will be familiar and resemble assessments the client has had from other physicians in the past (like your family doctor, a pediatrician, or another psychiatrist).  The Assessment usually begins with the client talking about why they are looking to have the evaluation done.  From there, questions are focused on the history of symptoms, relevant contributing factors, associated symptoms, severity of symptoms and patters over time.  Additional questions may be focused on other symptoms and conditions that may seem irrelevant by the client but need to be ruled out by the provider.  There will also be times during the interview when more traditional questions will be asked – family history, previous providers, current medications, previous treatments, social history, surgical history, and medical history all fall into this category. 

The Goals of a Thorough Assessment

  • Understand what some of the core driving forces are behind the symptoms.

  • Identify contributing factors that initiate, maintain or extend symptoms.

  • Develop an understanding of the biological predispositions of the individual.

  • Develop an understanding of the social and environmental factors that contribute to a given set of symptoms.

  • Develop an understanding of the personal and psychological traits that are relevant to these topics. 

  • Investigate individual symptoms to determine if and how they fit into known diagnostic categories.

  • Approach the assessment with the knowledge that the client is an individual with a unique life story and a unique set of traits.

  • Assess with the knowledge that no one will fit perfectly into a box and no one is a statistic. 


For More information on Outpatient Adult Services visit our FAQ page

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